The project aims at addressing the psychosocial needs of the population that has been suffering from various traumatic experience, lack of resources and deprivation. In Somali context a relevant gap between the high prevalence of mental health issues and the limited services available is registered. Therefore, the specific objective is to create new services or improve the existing ones to better meet the needs of the most vulnerables.
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An Inception phase of 5 months provides a specific context assessment, identify target groups, define performance indicators, develop contents for sensitization and trainings, establish links and sign written agreements with all stakeholders (local authorities, insitutions, community, religious, traditional leaders..).
The Implementation Phase focuses on several acitvities.
- Sensitization of :
- the population to reduce stigmatization related to Mental Health conditions, GBV and the Mental Health Psychosocial support through Radio sessions
- GRT, Ministry of Health staff and Public institutions on the project
- Recreational activities such as sports or performing arts to improve social cohesion among youth and children, giving them chance to express themselves and interact in a safe environment
- Training
- Self help group moderators and creation of self help groups to empower the participants through a peer-to-peer exchange. These groups can be problem nike sabrina 2 sneaker release date solving-oriented or supportive-oriented.
- Teachers of midwifery school trained on teaching contents and curricula and on coaching skills to support the midwives
- Capacity building with midwives and MoH Mental Health local person
- Promote and strengthen networking among all service providers Украина #120592472 , After taking a sneak peak at nike Dunk Basketballs , Лосины nike Dunk — цена 200 грн в каталоге Лосины ✓ Купить женские вещи по доступной цене на Шафе and stakeholders.
This project is implemented by GRT, in coordination with the Jubaland Ministry of Health and the Somali government, and is contribuiting to the Jubaland Strategic Plan (2018-2020) and the Somali Mental Health Strategy (2019-2020).