The GEMMA (Gender-Based Empowerment of Women through a Multiagency Approach) project draws on the WHO’s ecological model of understanding violence and studies showing that violence against women is one of the most urgent problems worldwide, to conduct an intervention program on a specific group of women at high risk of experiencing violence: women from minority and migrant communities.
The objectives of the project unfold on several levels:
- At the individual level, appropriate responses and support are offered to meet the needs of women survivors of violence
- At the community level, awareness campaigns are conducted and the creation of protection networks is promoted to prevent and combat violence within local communities.
- At the social level, the project aims to improve the capacity of services to cooperate and respond to the needs of women survivors of violence.
The activities were carried out in a series of phases:
Context analysis
- Study of existing legislation and specific protection measures; mapping of services at local level that deal with women survivors of violence, belonging to ethnic minority or migrant groups.
- Focus groups with representatives of services in the area and qualitative interviews with women survivors of violence.
Community awareness and prevention
- Seminars with experts
- Roundtables with key members of ethnic minority or migrant communities to share the results of the research conducted in phase 1 and the transnational community strategy
- Meetings to develop local operational protocols from the transnational guidelines.
- Trainings aimed at health, psycho-social and legal professionals to develop strategies and skills to operate in a coordinated and culturally sensitive manner
- Workshops aimed at migrant communities in order to raise awareness and prevent gender-based violence.
- evaluation and satisfaction questionnaires were administered to both groups.
Dissemination of results
Throughout the course of the project, results are disseminated through media profiles, seminars and conferences at European level and publications at national and international level.
The project has developed and/or strengthened important networks and knowledge on Gender-based violence, in particular on migrant women in the 5 European countries, achieving the following results:
–3 international transnational meetings (Milan, Paris, Sophia)
–15 Focus groups with 110 local stakeholders
–46 in-depth interviews with migrant women victims of domestic violence
–5 reports on Good Practices (Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece) for a total of 11 experiences of good practices
–Round tables held in the 5 countries, with the participation of 296 stakeholders (including public and private institutions, associations, services, communities)
-15 Training Workshops for professionals in 5 countries with 235 participants
–18 Local Empowerment workshops with 292 participating migrants belonging to local communities in the 5 countries.
In addition were produced:
–5 reports on comparative analysis of contexts (Italy , Finland, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece)
–5 mappings of services in the partner countries (Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece)
–Community strategies developed in the 5 countries (Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece)
–2 publications on international journals
–5 national seminars for the support of migrant women survivors of violence
A final conference held in the European Parliament on December 4, 2017 with European stakeholders and members of parliament.
File allegati:
- Context analysis Italy
- Context analysis Finland
- Context analysis Spain
- Context analysis Bulgary
- Context analysisnalisi contesto Grecia
- Linee guida Transnazionali ITA
- Transnational Guidelines ENG
- Final strategy Italia
- Final strategy Finlandia
- Final strategy Bulgaria
- Final strategy Grecia
- Final strategy Spagna
- Evaluation Report
- Press release

“GEMMA Against violence! has received the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union. The contents of this document and project related publications are the sole responsibility of GRT and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission“.