
The activities carried out in Italy by the Group for Transcultural Relations have followed a path similar to those carried out abroad.

The main topics we focused on are:

  • Training activities: issues of cooperation, professional updating, methodologies of transcultural relationship.
    • Seminars of anthropology and cooperation in collaboration with the Fondazione Feltrinelli.
    • Anthropological research on African migrants in Milan.
    • Courses of cultural and linguistic mediator and courses for teachers on the nomadic population and its culture.
    • GRT also organized, in collaboration with Rho cooperative Percorsi, courses in art and social problems.
  • Comparison between cultures and cultural activities: meetings with poets, writers, politicians, men and women working with civil society. Meetings to inform the population about the country’s ethnic minorities, their cultures and the stories behind the decision to flee their country.
  • Collaboration with local institutions to improve services for foreign citizens in Milan and surroundings.

Particular attention was paid to young people to allow them to express themselves and their will and this led to the creation of Tutti sopra un cielo – TS1C the artistic section of the GRT.

This contributed significantly to the project “Meeting almost by chance”, carried out with Parada Italia and financed by the Fondazione Alta Mane Italia, the Evangelical Church and private contributions (Spal Automotive).

During this project the GRT started to work with the Roma in Milan, in particular with children and adolescents, organizing recreational activities.


In Italy we operate mainly through the activities of the Transcultural Institute for Health.

Transcultural Psychotherapy Training

The School of Transcultural Psychotherapy aims to provide the theoretical knowledge and techniques necessary to relate to the patient while taking into account all the cultural characteristics that make him or her unique and that constitute, often simultaneously, pathogenic elements and resources for healing. Conducting psychotherapeutic work on a transcultural basis also means conducting it […]

NJIA YA NYUMBANI. The way home

NJIA YA NYUMBANI. The way home The project NJIA YA NYUMBANI – The Way Home aims to strengthen community and institutional response to the phenomenon of street children in Mlango Kubwa in the Starehe sub-county of Nairobi, Kenya. This context is characterized by the phenomena of uncontrolled mass urbanization, lack of social services, high crime, […]


MOVING.  People and images in motion is a project born from the desire to involve, through a dedicated cultural offer, a network of publics, professionals and realities engaged in social work between the Casoretto neighborhood, via Porpora and via Padova in Milan. The project is articulated in a transversal offer: photography workshops, a programming of […]


BOTTEGA CREATIVA – CREATIVE WORKSHOP Project: The Creative Workshop is a project created within the art sector of the Transcultural Relations Group, Tutti Sopra un Cielo (TS1C), and funded by the OPM Waldensian Table. The designed activity involves the children drawing and designing a work that they can then make with clay. The works are […]

Transcultural Psychotherapy School

In September 2017, the GRT merged with the Cecchini Pace Foundation, also founded by Professor Rosalba Terranova Cecchini. The organisation offers a school of transcultural psychotherapy, continuing education and personal services. It thus continues its commitment to the transcultural training of mental health workers and the direct care of Italian and foreign people from a […]